Melissa Schlick is a multidisciplinary installation artist who now resides in Halifax Nova Scotia. Originally from rural Ontario where she received an advanced Fine Art Diploma, she decided to continue her degree with specified interest in an Interdisciplinary art degree with a minor in Art History and drawing. Melissa approaches art with a willingness to apply all that she has experienced to trying to understand why. Her artwork is a direct reflection of the creator or viewer and their place in time and location on this planet. Art is a mindset, not an action. It relies on each person engaging with art whether that be as the artist, the subject or the viewer which is part of the concept. A willingness to apply all she has experienced and try to understand the concept. This is the art of the artist's thought process.
Project #1, Direct Reflection
 The Point Pleasant Park installation titled “Direct Reflection” is an ephemeral reiteration of the park. Relying on the viewers (human and dog) willingness to look at the new object to see the park in a new way, whether that be from a differing angel or seeing yourself within the space. I am excited to have this space in the park and I am really looking forward to this opportunity. I am interested in creating a mirrored cube. Using mirrored acrylic reinforced with a wooden base I hope to bring attention to the specific site and moment. Varying from one person to the next based on height, direction or what their purpose is. This work will engage with all elements of the park including all life, the light reflections and the landscape. The mirrored cubes offer a framed reflection of people and what they are doing in the park, not exclusionary to kids, adults or animals. Focusing on the moment the individual is in. The cube cohesively fits in the landscape and will only enhance it without harming it. Reflecting that of a fleeting moment and bringing focus to how each second of comprehension is momentary and you will never be in that state again. Mirrors represent a transformation, a moment where we can stand there and watch the world change or go by, see yourself age, and most importantly see ourselves in a state of relaxation. I have a strong interest in creating art in tandem with earth and humanities. I strive to leave an impact on people's hearts rather than a footprint on the earth.
Project #2, The Tower
 The installation going into Point Pleasant Park called
“Micro Park” will be a scaled down, direct reflection of the park within the park. For my second concept I am interested in representing the Martello Tower as you would recognize it now. I would like to make clay sculptures that represent all buildings in the park and how they look. I will create a reflection of the tower in a smaller model. I would like to engage the community and bring importance to the location of where we are in the world. This park represents Halifax’s history by displaying the military history as well as the features that would classify it as a leisure park. I want interaction with these works available to all beings. For example, a spider making a home inside the Martello Tower. I believe that altering scale comes with a sense of play and brings awareness to what is real. Allowing for imaginative thought processes to take over and allowing you to think of yourself at a different scale.

Unfortunately, there was an unforeseen instance which led the tower to break. When I went to clean up the broken pieces, I found that it had a very similar shape to a tree stump and arranged it around the tree base. Although it is broken it still exists today in a new sculpture. Representational of the site and actions going on in it.
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