Out, Etymology

Out (adv.)
expressing motion or direction from within or from a central point
removal from proper place or position
all the way to, continuously, without interruption
so as to be no longer burning or alight; into darkness
beyond the bounds of, not within

Out (v.)
expel, put out
disclose to public view, reveal, make known
to expose as a closet homosexual

Gabe Moore (they/them) is a settler from the Unceded Territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, on Vancouver Island, BC, now residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia (Kjipuktuk, Mi’kma’ki). They are a printmaker, media, and installation-based artist. Their work explores gender expression, neurodivergence, identity, trauma and change. They are studying to receive a Bachelors of Fine Arts, Major in Interdisciplinary Arts at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.
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